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Following my article on alternatives to Gmail, I was asked by the relationship load of Mailo, a French email service, which was surprised not to be quoted. In practice, alternative email services are numerous and Mailo was not out in search of an alternative to Gmail. After testing the service, this one is inexpensive and offers features especially for families that I have not found elsewhere. Changing rankings in sight?
Creating an account
Creating an account is quick and easy: desired address, password, a pinch of security, name, first name and date of birth. One click and you’re on your inbox.

The service is very complete: email, diary and contact are of course present to which is added a virtual disk, photo album management, a task manager and reminders, a note tool, a password manager, bookmark manager, reader Rss feed. Phew!!!

Mailo is a partner of Qwant (see article) and offers directly on its interface to do searches via the French search engine.
Web interface
The interface of the site is clear and uncluttered. No frills, but the main thing is there. I use for the test the free version that displays advertisements. It is obviously a bit intrusive, but it can be easily fixed.

Phone apps
Android and iPhone apps exist. On Android, it is very or too basic. However, Mailo is compatible with standard sync protocols for emails (IMAP and SMTP), contacts (CARDAV and Exchange ActiveSync) and calendars (CALDAV and Exchange ActiveSync). So no worries about using another app on your smartphone.
Security: making progress
In terms of security, Mailo offers the dual authentication system, the connection to the site is secure in SSL, but with a simple Certificate Let’s Encrypt which is the lowest level of security available. Enough then, but others offer better. Secure transmission between email servers is apparently not available as on Protonmail. However the service compensates by the very welcome integration of native PGP encryption. You can either create your keys with Mailo or import your previously created keys. That’s a very good point.

How much does it cost?
The free account allows you to discover the service with a 1GB box. We’ll be quick narrow, but for a secondary address and discover the service it’s perfect if you can handle the ads on the web interface.
The Premium account essentially adds the removal of advertisements and significantly increases storage capacity: 20GB for emails with 50MB attachments, the virtual drive increases from 500MB to 5GB upgradeable as needed, plus POP access and e-mail transfer. All this for 1 euro/month. I don’t think i can find anything better on the market !!!
Having had a contact with a relationship officer, I asked the question of funding, because the price seems very low for all the services offered. Here’s his answer:
“Thank you for your return. Funding takes place through other offers (pro, adults…), which allows us to guarantee free for the junior offer at present. Freeniums actually have an advertisement while premiums have no advertising.
I can confirm that we do not look at emails, so advertising is not targeted.
Regarding the price, we are currently at 1 euro/month, the sustainability of our company is ensured by other means of remuneration. »
MAILO Relationship Officer
Original offers
As stated in the response, Mailo offers interesting family packs at the price level and that add some information-sharing features. For 2 euros/month, you will have 5 premium accounts with the “Family Frigo” information exchange space between family members. I haven’t tested the feature, but I find it rather seductive.
Mailo also offers a feature I haven’t found anywhere else: Mailo Junior. This is a messaging for children on which to keep your hand (validation of the correspondents with whom child voting communicates). It comes in two versions for 6-9 year olds, single, and 10-14 years fuller.
Finally, as specified in the email, Mailo offers PRO accounts for SMEs, associations, etc.
Some may tell me that Mailo has received special attention from me, because the test is much longer than those of my previous article. It’s true!
First of all it is a French service and I admit that I was frustrated that I did not find any at the time so I compensate. However message to Mailo, you will have to make you know better !!! I hope this article will serve.
Then, the service is really complete, even very complete, and is totally capable of replacing Gmail or even doing better than him. The price is very reasonable especially for the family offer that particularly pleases the Geek Dad that I am.
So I’m forced to update the ranking of my previous article. Tutanota, Posteo and Fastmail lose interest in Mailo. Whether it’s privacy (RGPD compliance), encryption options or storage/price ratio, Mailo is almost all ahead of them. It probably lacks a few additional security features to rise to the level of Protonmail that keeps its advantage on this particular point. Between paranoia (Protonmail) and the right balance (Mailo), it’s up to you. However, there are many alternatives to Gmail. Living without Google is largely possible !!!!
So I encourage you to test Mailo. Personally, I’m in the process of transferring my iToubib address on it.
Apart from the initial solicitation, this article was written independently. I received no compensation or benefit from Mailo.